Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I Is Fine

My eye!  No nefarious activity behind these lids.  Thank god.

Here is my list for the day as written in pencil in my notebook:

Cancel Hollywood Video Value Pass
Dry Cleaning
Spacetaker grants
IAG Required Materials
Contact Writers for Artist Saloon
Best Fit
Call Zach Scott Theater is Austin

Do you keep daily lists?  What's yours?


chuck said...

on a piece of paper in my pocket:

scissors for hair
file folders
coffee mkr
rice cooker

rug cleaner (2 rugs)

cake said...

here's one i found lying around from a while ago:

tempra R,Y,B,W,BL
paper 11x14
paint pots
stubby brushes
markers notox
sure grip crayons

though this one i dug out of my purse is much more typical:

heavy cream 1c.
photo albums

bb said...

i keep a list on my desk and i add and subtract as necessary until i run out of scribble space...

put ousaci new address in book
white wine
carrot cake recipe!
move books up
post tms box
post mombox

(by the way, im not a wierdo stalker. i met you a few times thru ibp, but i havent lived in hou for 3 years now, came here via cathy, and i check in sometimes)

Ann_Bogle said...

My list is:

Renew passport
P-doc appt. 2/18
Wedding dress (w/ Shari)
Rtn. ticket to NY
Mtg. for apt.
Housesit 1st wk of Mar.?
Guthrie 2/16
Clean & pack (sublists)
Lg. paper recycling drop off
Manicure & pedicure
Leg waxing
Pack for shorter trip
Details re: fundraiser for Madhatters' Review 5/4 -- mtg. 3/5
Women's workshop in NY 2/28
Give reading on 2/24 at the Loft cafe
Tim Liu's novel portions
Email correspondence

Ann_Bogle said...

Car insurance due 2/20
Back up pc files
Goodwill donations
What to do w/ greeting card collection -- make lg. mural (what I want to do w/ them) or give to Zon or Malok for collage work

Screaming-Life said...

Here is my list as scribbled on the blackboard in my head:

Apply for passport.
Get another copy of divorce decree.
Buy a ticket to Estonia.
Buy a ticket to L.A.
Book hotel room in L.A.
Prepare something to say at Greg's service.
Get back finished before traveling!


Unknown said...

mail package to cyn
filing system
new glasses
gym membership
clouds & airplane
issue blurbs